Thursday, December 3, 2009

Art within YOUTUBE

I feel that YOUTUBE is art within itself. People make things and video footage and publishes it on this site. To me they are putting together their own form of art. Again they are going outside the box which would be the normal paint and canvas.

Human Condition

Understanding the human condition provides the real solution to humanity's problems. You have to feel the conditions of others to understand their conditions. Before you can ever be able to understand anyone elses conditions, one must first understand their own.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Right Brain, Left Brain...Mid-Brain??

After researching both parts of the brain I truly feel that I am mid-brained. I carry both characteristics of both sides of the brain. Although I think at time I lean more towards the right side of the brain. I think that the right side is where my artistic side comes from rather than the other side.


Culture is a noun which means. the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and or thought. I feel that religion plays a big part in ones culture because it is what one believes in and feels deeply about.

Human Nature

Its human nature to be affectionate to one another and to pour out the emotions you hold within. Two indivisuals together express their selves and their bodies make art together. To me it is like having two living stautes that are able to bend and move to express themselves.

Art in Public View

Public art is all around us in our communities. The sculptures at our local parks, even in our museums around town. Public art is all around and it is always what you least expect to be considered art. Like back home a work of art was made out of a old school bus and it was made into a bus stop.

I know what art is...It's to see and feel not to Think!!

Art is what you feel inside or what you see around you. I do not think that art is necessarily what you think. I feel that if you think about about something for too long, its no longer art because too much thought has been put in the process of making this piece of art work. I think that art should come from you inner feelings, which means it should come from your inner self to the empty canvas.

Artist in Our Society

I feel that there is a little art person in everyone waiting to be discovered by someone. I did not know that there was an artistic side to me until I took art at the University of West GA. You never know you inner abilities until you have someone or something help bring them out. People in society just needs something to help them bring out there inner artist.

Greek Architecture

Greek architecture has always been one of my favorite types of art. The people that form these arts put a lot of time and effort into the statues and buildings. I like how they use so many different shapes and figures to make a certain type of building or arch.

Human Behavior

Body language to me would be a representation of human behavior. You can tell a person behavior from the way they express themselves, for example their facial expressions and if they use hand motions.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Good Morning

Kayne West video Good Morning is one of the most artist vidoes I have ever seen. People these days do not use their artistic side when making music videoes anymore. I really liked all the animation that was used to make the video.


I find that poetry is the perfect way for me to express my feelings for a special indivisual. I feel that poetry could also be consider art because the words seem to paint a picture in the mind. You can feel the words and really understand what the person is trying to express.


I think that graffiti is a type of art, I think this is a different way for people to express their feelings without actually having to go to school for it. I think people find it offensive because of where graffiti artist do their artwork. I think that is they had a special place to do there art work that more people can respect their work more.

Art in School

Art in school help children to express themselves throught beautiful artwork rather than violence. I have always enjoyed taking art in school. Keeping art in school is important because he can teach us all that art is more than painting a picture, but there is a history behind it.

Spiritual Dance

Spiritual dance has always been apart of my life, especially growing up in a very religious family. I use to be apart of a spiritual dance group for my grandmother church and this will always be a big passion of mine. I use to help some of the unfortunate children in the neighborhood to show them there is more in the world other thans the streets.

Human Struggle

We as humans struggle on a daily basis and people express their struggle through there painting and pictures. This picture represent a form of human struggle and how they are reaching out for hope